Lifegiver Season 2
Good Things
In response to the growing number of “listeners” rather than “watchers”, Lifegiver returns to its audio version. In this series, I return from a recent sabbatical to talk with you about how often…
More Alike Than Different
In this episode, I talk about the similarities and differences found between military and first responder communities and why we need to find ways to better support each other. <iframe title=’More Alike Than…
Jonathan & Kylie Towns
In this interview, Jonathan and Kylie share their experience as a law enforcement couple. Jonathan is part of the Dallas Fort Worth Police Department and shares his experience navigating the chaotic schedules and…
Sin in a Christian Marriage, 2 Part Series
Part 1: Every marriage will deal with sin- that is a fact. But when there are destructive patterns like betrayal, addiction, and selfish behavior, what does it actually mean to love like Christ?…
Wisdom from Seasoned Spouses Series
Part 1:Wisdom with Deanie Dempsey In this sweet, but candid, interview- Deanie Dempsey shares how she and her husband kept their marriage strong after over 30 years in military service. Her husband, General…
Matt Interviews Corie
In this candid interview, Matthew asks Corie questions without any prep ahead of time. This heartfelt and sweet interview brings out some of Corie’s story, but also the drive she has, and why…
The Hero’s Journey
After presenting “The Hero’s Journey” at the The Military Spouse of the Year Town Hall in Washington, DC, many remarked that it was very helpful to their journey and wanted it available to…
Set Backs in Marriage
We all have hope for a marriage that lasts and is fulfilling. What we often don’t expect is how hard it will be when we disagree with our spouse on important values, military…
Parenting Series (4 Parts)
Parenting with Small Kids Marriage can often feel like a partnership more than a marriage during the years of raising kids. So many families talk about missing the intimacy they used to have…
Compassion Fatigue
Lifegiver is BACK with an all new episode! Welcome to 2017! I’ve returned from a sabbatical and have been thinking a lot about compassion fatigue and burnout. No doubt that I have seen…
Sexual Intimacy & Post-Affair
Dr. Mike Sytsma is one of the most respected Christian Sex Therapists in the US. Based out of Atlanta, his office, Building Intimate Marriages, sees mostly couples who feel sexually “incompatible” or are…
Friends: Making and Keeping Them
Who would have ever thought that we needed help with making friends? In the military, we have to make them quickly. In the first responder world, they are necessary to get through daily…
4 Myths of Marriage
Dr. Parrott is a New York Times Best Selling Author along with his wife Leslie Parrott, a marriage and family therapist. In 1991, the Parrotts founded the Center for Relationship Development on the…
Fighting for Marriage with Taya Kyle
In this incredibly moving interview, Taya Kyle opens up about her marriage to the love of her life Chris Kyle. Chris was tragically murdered during the filming of American Sniper, forcing Taya to…
Boundaries with Dr. John Townsend
Does it seem strange to you that it is healthy to have boundaries in marriage? This comes as a surprise to many. Why would I want to have boundaries? Shouldn’t we share everything?…
The Power of a Blessing
The power of our words is absolutely necessary to us understanding our influence in the relationships around us. In my year of becoming more intentional in my marriage, I have been thinking more…
Rights of Passage
We all likely remember our first move in the military. Filled with doubt, excitement, adventure, and fear- we learn to navigate the new community, acronyms, and the importance of that ID card. In…
My Life as a Military Kid
If you have kids, you don’t want to miss this episode. My kids have been begging to be a part of the Lifegiver Podcast, and I thought it would be a great idea…
Sacred Spaces Supplement Series (5 Parts)
Sacred Spaces 1: PTSD Sacred Spaces: My Journey to the Heart of Military Marriage comes out August 1 and will be available where most books are sold (Barnes & Noble, Amazon, etc). In…
Understanding ISIS
If we were honest, many of us would admit that we do not fully understand the current efforts against ISIS. Sure, I think we know the basics- many of which include how our…
My Confession
I recently put out a survey and asked for your feedback on what you have enjoyed from the Lifegiver Podcast and what you would like to hear more of. Overwhelmingly, many said they…
The Conflict of Money
The top three conflicts that couples come into counseling for involve sex, family, and money. Getting on the same page with our spouse when it comes to spending and saving money is not…
The Village
One of my favorite things about the last year has been the number of spouses I have spoken with in every season of life. I have thoroughly enjoyed the multi-generational village we live…
Homeschool Spouse
Happy New Year! Lifegiver is back with an all new episode that is perfect for every parent. This week I interview Jennifer Hamrick- military spouse to an Army Chaplain, homeschool mom, and blogger.…